Impossible Enough to Be an Art Space
With 0gms cabinet (BG), Catbox Contemporary (US), CLEA RSKY (MX/US), Clutch Gallery (US), Flasher! (BE), Frieren Room (DE), Kakabinet (BE), SINK Vienna (AT) and Zum Goldenen Schnautz (BE).
04.05.2024 – 22.06.2024
No artist or curator starts at the MOMA. Most cultural activities first sprout in garages, flats, display cases, or other available residual spaces... This phenomenon occurs all over the world and the initiators of these exhibition spaces possess a boundless imagination and explore the limits of what is possible. Be it in a freezer compartment or on a cat scratching post, no space proves too “impossible” to be declared an art space!
This exhibition aims to highlight “exhibition spaces” that often operate in the shadows but are nevertheless an indispensable part of the art world. Lichtekooi aims to highlight and celebrate these artists’ initiatives and, above all, their generosity toward their fellow artists.
For this group exhibition, Lichtekooi is showing 9 "impossible" exhibition spaces that in turn present their own group or solo exhibition.
The participating artists are: Pablo Arellano, Amelie Bachfischer, Jolijn Baeckelandt, Diego Berruecos, Guillaume Bijl, Bildstein I Glatz, Christoph Blawert, Evelin Brosi & Elvis Bonier, Daniel Castrejón, Senne Claes, Jack Davey, Wim Delvoye, Ricardo de Oliveira, Emeline Descreaux, Veronika Desova, Ian De Weerdt, Valentina Diaz, Scott Clifford Evans, Daniel Ferstl, Peter Fritzenwallner, Gelitin, Aaron Harris, Flora Hauser, Kati Heck, Clara Lissens, Sophia Mairer, Piero Manzoni, Cildo Meireles, Ohad Meromi, Rufus Michielsen, Katharina Höglinger, Yemo Park, Paul Riedmüller, Heather Rowe, Hans Schabus, Mima Schwahn, Elisa Schmid, Clara Spilliaert, Jelle Spruyt, Vincent Stroep, Koen Theys, Ina Valentinova , Sietske Van Aerde, Eva van BemmelenPatrick Van Caeckenbergh, Jasmien Van Hoecke, Floris Van Look, Various Artists, Hans Wuyts and Davide Zulli.
Curated by Nadia Bijl, Pepa De Maesschalck and Tom Volkaert.
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Read the EN visitors guide here
Exh|bition views:
Impossible Art Space World Map
As part of the exhibition Impossible Enough to Be an Art Space, Lichtekooi is trying to map as many “impossible art spaces” as possible.
As part of the exhibition Impossible Enough to Be an Art Space, Lichtekooi is trying to map as many “impossible art spaces” as possible.
Do you know any "impossible art spaces"? Help us map them!
By sending us an email: contact@lichtekooi.be.
By sending us an Instagram message.
Or by filling in the form in Lichtekooi Artspace.
Check out the Impossible Art Space World Map!
Contributors & thanks to
Exhibition curated by: Nadia Bijl, Pepa De Maesschalck, Tom Volkaert
Production team: Kris Cuylits, Bram Denkens, Jolke Van Aerde
Graphic design: Tom Volkaert, Jonathan Castro
Exhibtion texts: Thor Salden
Final editing and translations:
Mats Antonissen, Trevor Perri
Catering: Tom Van Camp
Documentation: Thor Salden, Ria Pacquée, Jolke Van Aerde
With thanks to all participating artists and venues, Dorian Baetens, Benjamin Verhoeven, Juliet Jespers, Stephanie De Smet (zwartopwit), Maart Enghien, Clara Lissens, Emeline Descreaux, Sietske Van Aerde e.a.
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