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Saturday  29.06 at 15:00

Forbidden City, Lichtekooi Artspace and LLS Paleis organise a sports day on Saturday the 29th of June to end the exhibition season (schoolyear) 2023-2024. Take part in this animated and sporty afternoon!

Three disciplines:
  • We start with arm wrestling, 
  • continue with tug of war,
  • and end with petanque (incl. pastis).

One location: KMSKA
On the square in front of / next to the museum.
Adress: Leopold de Waelplaats / Beeldhouwersstraat, 2000 Antwerp

Following at 7 PM we move to Forbidden City.
With DJ Downward Dog.
Adress: Geuzenstraat 23, 2000 Antwerp

Everyone is invited to participate!

Upcom|ng exhibition

Dit project komt tot stand komt in het kader van de Culturele samenwerking tussen de Vlaamse Gemeenschap en de Franse Gemeenschap.

Ce projet est réalisé dans le cadre de la Coopération culturelle entre la Communauté flamande et la Communauté française.

Sandrine Morgante
Walen bourgeois buiten

21.09.2024 – 09.11.2024

Impossible Art Space World Map

As part of the exhibition Impossible Enough to Be an Art Space, Lichtekooi is trying to map as many “impossible art spaces” as possible.

Do you know any "impossible art spaces"? Help us map them! 
By sending us an email: contact@lichtekooi.be.
By sending us an Instagram message.
Or by filling in the form in Lichtekooi Artspace.

Check out the Impossible Art Space World Map!

Check out the Webshop for Lichtekooi supporters 2024!

The Lichtekooi webshop is a visualisation of the ideal budget of Lichtekooi Artspace. You will find an overview of all costs associated with running an exhibition space, both overhead costs and project-related costs, ranging from toilet paper to artist fees.

Using this webshop you can support Lichtekooi by contributing to a specific cost of our operation. As proof of purchase, Lichtekooi supporters receive an invoice designed by an artist. This year Tom Volkaert designed an invoice. 


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Florastraat 11, 2140 Antwerp                 Open Thursay - Saturday from 2 unt|l 6 pm