Artist co-curator
(1 exhibition)
Lichtekooi organises one group exhibition per year, aiming to create a broad, multi-voiced reflection on current social issues through a central theme. For this, a collaboration is established each time with a co-curator/artist who initiates and helps shape the exhibition—both thematically, conceptually, and formally.
Since last year, Lichtekooi has provided compensation for the co-curator/artist (previously, this role was unpaid).The co-curator/artist is compensated according to the salary scales of PC329.01, either through invoicing or a social bureau for artists (SBK), for 8 days at an average wage cost of €300 per day.
Available items: 1
Online payment is possible with Creditcard or Paypal.
For a payment by bank transfer:
IBAN: BE02 7390 2147 0040
Please use the reference: webshop - [purchased item]
and send an email to: contact@lichtekooi.be mentioning the purchased item, your name and postal address information for the (artist) invoice.